Hand-picked quotes about decisions from the best non-fiction books

Here are the best quotes about decisions.

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To have an uncommon lifestyle, you need to develop the uncommon habit of making decisions, both for yourself and for others.
Don’t encourage people to chitchat and don’t let them chitchat. Get them to the point immediately.
Don’t wait until you need options to search for them. Take a sneak peek at the future now and it will make both action and being assertive easier.
Check e-mail twice per day, once at 12:00 noon or just prior to lunch, and again at 4:00 P.M. 12:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. are times that ensure you will have the most responses from previously sent e-mail.
Learn to be difficult when it counts. In school as in life, having a reputation for being assertive will help you receive preferential treatment without having to beg or fight for it every time.
I know too well that it’s easier to live with ourselves if we cite an external reason for inaction.
Discipline tools: delaying of gratification, acceptance of responsibility, dedication to truth, and balancing.

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Hand-picked quotes from the best non-fiction books